Saturday 27 June 2009

Friday - 5/8 out of 10

Headace & energy-wise it's been 5 out of 10, but todays geekthrill raises it to an 8 - Battletech just got the UnSeen back! YAY!,53514.0/all.html

Thursday 25 June 2009

Thursday - 6 out of 10

No change on the headace other than a bit of sinus ache to go with it in the morning. Clarityn helps with that, though.
Filtered my waste, disposed of some more empty bottles, and generally got on with cleaning out the fumehood. Got home to find Chrissy making chicken & leek pie. It was very good - I couldn't taste the leeks at all

Wednesday - 5 out of 10

Still got a headache, but back at work Paracetamol makes it fade out for a while.
Oh look, my waste bottle is precipitating ferric hydroxide again! Now I'll have to recondition and filter it again!

Tuesday - 3 out of 10

Off sick - horrible headache. It's been there a week now and keeps getting worse. Went to see the Doc. After being poked & prodded, was told that it was nothing major, use paracetamol and it should go away eventually. The he says he can confirm it's not an early sign of a stroke or brin tumor! Never occured to me to worry about either of those. I guess I just learned what a 1 out of 10 day would have been!

Monday 22 June 2009

Monday - 7 out of 10

Didn't sleep well. Kids messed around about getting dressed. Headache again. Thank god you can still buy paracetamol by the thousand tablets in the US.
Work was OK - much waste to filter, and many spreadsheets to check.
Dinner in Seascale was good - sausages, carrots & cheesy mash.
Club went OK. I was caught out when the player who normally leaves early said he was staying 'til 11, as I had planned on finishing for 10:30, his usual leaving time. Improvising worked out ok, and I know where I'm picking up from next week.

Got a good geek-thrill today, but I'll post about that later.

Sunday - 8 out of 10

Father's Day - I got a bit of a lie in, cards from the kids, then everyone gave me a very nice back-rub. Wonderful. The lingering headache slowed me down a bit, but a trip down to Seascale for a cuppa with Mum & Dad helped. They even volunteered to keep the kids until bedtime and feed them, so Chrissy and I had some nice quiet time together. I made fish pie (smoked haddock, salmon and something white) and we cuddled up on the sofa to watch the first part of The Colour of Magic. Lovely

Saturday - continued.

I think 5 out of 10 was right in the end. Nothing bad happened, per se, but I went to bed at 8 with a headache.

Saturday 20 June 2009

Today - 5 out of 10 (so far)

Lousy night - David up a lot. Noisy morning. The kids were up early and making a lot of noise. A nice trip to Bens and a rest in the garden, but very tired and a big headache.

Friday 19 June 2009

Today - 7 out of 10

A decent day today, but very tiring. Work was lots of preparation for waste disposal - filtering out trace solids, correcting pH, doing provisional beta/gamma counts and so on, and prepping samples for formal analysis on Monday. Then it was dinner at Cathie's, and home to get the kids to bed. Now I've got a bit of time for my self, and I'm too tired to start anything. I guess it will be a nice, restful early night.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Today - 10 out of 10

Assuming "today" started at midnight, rather than when I got up this morning, anyway.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Today - 3 out of 10

Well, that's how good today has been so far. I'm too depressed for details right now. Maybe later.

Saturday 6 June 2009

New Star Trek Movie

Wel,, we went to see the new Star Trek movie last night, and it was superb. The astrophysics was lousy, but that's just Hollywood, and Scotty seemed rather lame, but the rest was damn good.
I think I'd like to go see it again.