Thursday 13 August 2009


Lets see if I can keep a log of useful things done of the the next few days - I'm trying to avoid the tendancy to be lazy and do nothing but play computer games & read.

So, how has today gone?

- Bought new bulb for car brake lamp - normally I'd need a special trip to get this, but Halfords is within walking distance of NNL Workington, so I just nipped out in my lunch break.
- Got the last bits & pieces from the weekend out of the car.
- Gave the fridge a once-over for perishables, and started planning food for the week. I've got loads of eggs to eat up, so I had fried eggs on toast for dinner. Need to buy some milk though.
- Fitted the new brake lamp bulb. It took about 15 mins of Googling to find clear intructions, and another 15 mins to fit. I'm quite impressed by the fact I needed no tools, and could reach the required parts of the car fairly easily.
- Went to Parton & dropped in on Mel. We owe her for the help she gave us with packing, and I know she's got a lot of house organising and DIY to do, so I went over to help. Mel was having trouble getting started, so we hit the freezer together. It needed done before the bin men came on Wednesday. Mel's power had failed while she was away, and it was pretty rank No, it was absolutely foul. Scented candles & odour-neutralising sprays helped prevent gagging (barely!) but we got everything inventoried then double-bagged and put out for collection, then sprayed it down inside and out with bleach, and shut the door.

After that it was time for a long, long, shower.

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