Thursday 30 October 2008

There's a hole in my... ...floor!

29/10/2008 Thursday

Another building job started today - the insurance contractors arrived to start fixing the broken drains. There are two breaks to fix. One is in the flat sewer, and the break is actually under the house, while the other is at the back corner of the house, near where the house sewer joins the main sewer under the back alley. The outside breakage, we know the cause - every week the rubbish truck goes down the back alley to collect the rubbish, and most weeks, the drive over the little concrete paving strip that runs around the house to protect the drain. Over time, the weight of the truck has broken the concrete, and then the pipe below. The inside break we are not sure about - we'll need to see what it looks like when they get down there. It will probably take them a while, as it's under a concrete floor.

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